Qt 4.8.7 Prerequisites for Windows

Qt 4.8.7 differs greatly from Qt 4.8.5 in that they’ve wanted to provide more access to Windows 7 and later API. This makes the versions’ dependencies incompatible when you distribute your apps. So pay attention.

Downloads (For Distribution/Standalone Runtime):


libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll 48 KB (UPX compressed)
libstdc++-6.dll 409 KB (UPX compressed)
libwinpthread-1.dll 25 KB (UPX compressed)
QtCore4.dll 1.1 MB (UPX compressed)
QtGui4.dll 4.1 MB (UPX compressed)

And for image format support:

/imageformats/ 2.3 MB (UPX compressed)

And for Phonon to work:

phonon4.dll 121 KB (UPX compressed)
QtXml4.dll 143 KB (UPX compressed)
QtDBus4.dll 182 KB (UPX compressed)
/phonon_backend/ 1.5 MB (UPX compressed)
/codecs/ 1.4 MB (UPX compressed)
qt487_dependencies_upx.zip – contains all minimum dependencies to run my Qt 4.8.7 apps NOTE: Not available yet, I’ll update this when I have working demo

Downloads (For Developing):

Qt 4.8.7 SDK qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw482-4.8.7.exe (337MB)
minGW 64 + GCC 4.8.2 compiler i686-4.8.2-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev3.7z (46MB)
QtCreator 2.8.0 qt-creator-windows-opensource-2.8.0.exe (52MB) Note: there is newer version 2.8.1 but I don’t need it, so I cannot guarantee ver 2.8.1 will work or is compatible myself

IMPORTANT: If you can’t get Qt 4.8.7 to work for Windows, follow these instructions if you are upgrading from previous version, ie 4.8.5.
