Windows 10 drops support for Qt 4.8.x after Qt.4.8.6

The main reason I had to rollback to using Qt 4.8.5 since I was developing on Qt 4.8.7 on a Windows 7 machine was because after upgrading to Windows 10, my 4.8.7 apps failed in so many levels. Something as simple as loading an image was completely broken. I did a little digging and it turns out since Qt 4.8.6, support for versions of Windows before version 10 was dropped. So instead of gambling with newer versions of Qt that just won’t work on my “old” development Windows machine, I have to count on the versions of Qt that will. And Qt 4.8.5 was the last functioning version that seemed to be supported by most Windows versions.

How To Read EXIF Orientation From JPEG in Qt 4.8.5

For many Qt lovers out there who might want to use third-party EXIF parsing library with their Qt apps, it may prove difficult unless you know what you’re doing. If you’re a hobbyist like me, man, it’s just tough. But there are free EXIF parsers out there, and it might take a little elbow grease to make it work with Qt. In my case, I put together a very simple and basic image viewer that I thought users might appreciate if it auto-rotated any images that contained EXIF metadata such as orientation. In smartphones and DSLRs, there is usually a sensor that records which orientation the picture was taken in. So when you view the photo without orientation applied, it might be a minor nuisance having to manually rotate it. That’s where you come in as software developer and take care of it for the end-user. Continue reading “How To Read EXIF Orientation From JPEG in Qt 4.8.5”

Overriding QWidget Events

For the most part, Qt comes with a bunch of convenience widgets built on top of their own QWidget. They may provide very specific features and might suit your needs perfectly. But when you want to implement something that is really unique, then you’ll have to be able to engage the internal processes that make your user-friendly interactions so intuitive. One way is to override QWidget’s default events. Continue reading “Overriding QWidget Events”

Hello World with QPainter

This is the most basic of basic tutorials when it comes to computer programming. It is virtually done to death. The basic idea is for you as the programmer to be able to send a message to the computer and have it return the message to you as output. Originally, this would be done via command-line or command-prompt, a scary black void of an interface. So in this case, I’ll show you how to actually engage the user by hooking into the default GUI mainWindow. Continue reading “Hello World with QPainter”